Episode 88: Holy Week – Good Friday

“This is our final devotional video of Passion Week and we’re here on Good Friday—the day that Jesus is crucified on the cross I’m guessing that some of you have spent time this week reading and meditating on those passages in the gospels that give an account of these events. And if so, I wonder […]
Episode 87: Holy Week – Maundy Thursday

“Today is Maundy Thursday in Holy Week. In case you were curious, the name, Maundy Thursday, comes from Jesus’ words at the Last Supper, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you.” In the Latin, “new commandment” is mandatum novum. As we approach the final […]
Episode 86: Holy Week – Spy Wednesday

“We started Holy Week with Jesus’s Triumphal Entry on Palm Sunday. Monday features the temple cleansing, fig tree lesson, and Tuesday where Jesus squares off with the Jewish leaders and teachers of the law. In comparison, Wednesday is pretty low key. We actually don’t have many verses in the Bible dedicated to what happens on […]
Episode 85: Holy Week – Tuesday

“As we reflect on that Tuesday of Passion week and consider Christ together, we might see him as the greatest political debater or the wisest teacher of Scripture, but I’d like to focus on a more subtle portrait of Christ here: “he is the searcher of the hearts of men.”
Episode 84: Holy Week – Monday

” This week, as we turn our eyes and our hearts toward the cross, let’s examine our lives and see where the Lord is calling us to repentance. Do we consider ourselves righteous on our own strength and look good on the outside, but really we’re unrepentant and blind to God? Are we like that […]
Episode 83: Holy Week – Palm Sunday

“We want to especially focus our attention on the most pivotal event in history: The death and resurrection of Jesus. Galatians 4:4 refers to that period as “the fullness of time.” 1 Peter 1 tells us that this was the event in which OT prophets “searched and inquired carefully” for and in “which angels long […]
Episode 82: Lifting the Stigma of COVID

“Whether we come alongside to help someone weighed down with shame or we help confront the sources of stigma in our community, our great motive must be to fix our eyes more fervently onto Christ. Let’s take these steps to care for one another. As we do this, we will not only bring healing but […]
Episode 81: Christians You Should Probably Know: Introducing St. Augustine

“In reality, Augustine’s story wasn’t about how he found God, but how God in Christ found him. It is ultimately the story about the tenacious God, who will not let the wandering hearts of his people go. The story of Augustine is worth listening to and reading, because his story is, in many ways, our […]
Episode 80: Grace Motivated Love

“The power to love comes from when you recognize and remember God’s love for you. The power to love comes from when you yourself are changed and transformed by God’s love. So whether you are struggling to love a spouse, a child, a coworker or relative, a friend or roommate, the way you can fuel […]
Episode 79: New Every Morning

“As we look at the day ahead and this new year ahead of us, church family, let’s humbly trust in the Lord and put our hope in God’s love and faithfulness. Let’s not trust in ourselves or this world, but let’s fix our eyes on Him and counsel our hearts to know that He is […]