Freed to Obey (Romans 6:15-23)

Key Idea: As Christians, we live under the reality that God owns us and is worthy of wholehearted obedience. 1. A New Master (vv.15-16) 2. A Radical Path (vv.17-19) 3. A Better Outcome (vv.20-23)
Under Grace (Romans 6:1-14)

Key Idea: Our union with Christ informs how we fight against sin and how we relate to God. A Sinister Thought (vv. 1-2) A Symbol of Grace (vv. 3-4) A Solidarity with Christ (vv. 5-10) A Strategy Against Sin (vv. 11-14)
Man to Man Coverage (Romans 5:12-21)

Key Idea: Your eternal destiny either lies in the spectacular sin of Adam or the superabounding grace of Christ. Three realities that affect your eternal destiny: Adam represents humanity in sin’s destruction (vv.12-14) Christ represents many in His abundant grace (vv.15-17) Christ graciously leads His own to victorious life (vv.18-21)
God’s Love and Loyalty (Romans 5:6-11)

Key Idea: The death and life of Christ assures us of His love and loyalty. The Death of Christ Assures Us of God’s Love (vv.6-8) The Life of Christ Assures Us of God’s Loyalty (vv.9-10) Our Response: Receive and Rejoice (v.11)
Blessings All Mine (Romans 5:1-5)

Key Idea: Justification by faith brings many blessings to the Christian life. Three blessings from justification by faith: Peace with God (v.1) Access to Grace (v.2a) Hope of Glory (vv.2b-5)
Practicing Faith (Romans 4:9-17)

Faith is Personal (vv. 9-11a) Faith is Foundational (to the church) (vv.11b-12) Faith is Missional (a blessing to the nations) (vv. 13-17)
Justified by Faith (Romans 4:1-8)

Key Idea: God’s plan has always been for sinners to be justified by faith. The Blueprint of Faith (vv.1-3) The Betterment of Faith (vv.4-5) The Blessing of Faith (vv.6-8)
Living Lives Justified by Faith (Romans 3:27-31)

Justification by Faith Replaces Justification by Works Justification by Faith Reaches All People Justification by Faith Reveals the Law’s Purpose
The Righteousness of God (Romans 3:21-26)

Through Faith (vv.21-22a) By Grace (vv.22b-24a) In Christ (vv.24b-26)
When Humanity Stands in Silence (Romans 3:9-20)

Key Idea: It takes great faith to believe you’re an unrighteous sinner in need of Jesus. Faith to acknowledge the universal condition (vv.9-10) Faith to admit that sin is humanity’s natural bent (vv.11-12) Faith to agree on blatant evidence of depravity (vv.13-18) Faith to accept God’s verdict for the unrighteous (v.19-20)