Not Our Own (1 Corinthians 6:12-20)
Key idea: A people centered on Messiah are a people who belong to God. 1. Belonging to God means that our freedom is not our own (v. 12) 2. Belonging to God means that our bodies are not our own (vv. 13-19) 3. Belonging to God means that we are not our own (v. 20)
Remember Who You Are (1 Corinthians 6:1-11)
Key idea: Living in the way of Messiah is to remember your unique status borne out of a gospel-formed identity 1. Don’t forget your unique status (vv. 1-8) 2. Don’t forget your identity (vv. 9-11)
When Sin Looks Normal (1 Corinthians 5:1-13)
Key idea: A family centered on Messiah are to live counterculturally by holding family members accountable to the way of Jesus and by living in the way of Jesus ourselves. 1. Holding family members accountable to the way of Jesus (vv. 1-8) 2. Living in the way of Jesus ourselves (vv. 9-13) Small group […]
WWJD? (1 Corinthians 4:6-21)
Key idea: A people centered on Messiah embrace the way of Messiah and imitate models of Messiah 1. Embracing the way of Messiah (vv. 6-13) Embracing the way of Messiah means we don’t go beyond the way (vv. 6-7) Embracing the way of Messiah means we must count the cost of the way (vv. 8-13) […]
A Holy Transformation (Romans 6:11-14) (Session 3)
1) Recognize your ____________________ in Christ 2) Resist the ___________________________ of sin 3) Rest in ___________________________________
Pursuing Goodness and Wisdom In a Digital Age
1. Pursue Goodness Pursuing goodness means that we need to be aware of goodness Pursuing goodness means that our ideas of goodness need to be calibrated 2. Pursue Wisdom Use technology while keeping an eye on your heart Use technology while being aware of its limitations Use technology with purpose and love Use technology as […]
An Audience of One (1 Corinthians 4:1-5)
Key idea: A people centered on Messiah are a people of integrity. 1. A people of integrity are marked by their fidelity to one audience (vv. 1-5) a. We look to no one, not even ourselves (vv. 3-4) b. We are not God (v. 5) c. We follow Jesus
Our Only Comfort In Life and Death (1 Corinthians 3:18-23)
Key idea: People centered on the Messiah must know the cause of spiritual myopia and the cure for spiritual myopia. 1. The cause of spiritual myopia (vv. 18-20) Self-deception believes that the problem is out there, not within (v. 18a) Self-deception thinks that they are something when they are nothing (v. 18b) Self-deception only looks […]
A Long Obedience In the Same Direction (Luke 2:22-52, 3:21-22)
Key idea: Faithful Christian living is a long obedience in the same direction to the glory and pleasure of God. 1. Following Jesus is a long obedience in the same direction to the glory and pleasure of God
Messiah, the Cornerstone (1 Corinthians 3:5-17)
Key idea: A people centered on Messiah remember what the church must not be charmed by and what the church must be founded on. 1. The church must not be charmed by status (vv. 5-9a) 2. The church must be founded on the Messiah (vv. 9b-17) 3 dangers that will destroy the church a. Bad […]