The Sermon on the Plain (Luke 6:17-26)
Four areas of life that Jesus addresses that forces us to examine our heart.
Rest in Jesus (Luke 6:1-11)
Salvation can never be achieved through hard work.
The Power, Purpose, and Presence of Christ (Luke 5:12-39)
The words of Jesus have the power to transform.
The Proper Response to the Powerful Word of Christ (Luke 5:1-11)
The proper response to Jesus is brokenness and a willingness to leave everything and follow Him.
The Temptations of Christ (Luke 4:1-13)
Though the enemy tries to distract us from our Lord, the power of Christ will help us overcome any temptation.
What Then Shall We Do? (Luke 3:10-20)
Repentance: The turning away from sin or sinful habits, a turning toward God in Christ Jesus, and a reliance on the grace of the Gospel.
What’s Been Missing (Luke 3:1-9)
As we turn to the beginning of Luke 3, we see the emergence of the ministry of John the Baptizer. In his message, he calls people to repentance, to turn away from their sin and back to a dependence on God. This week we see four features of repentance that characterize the Christian life.
Do You Know Who He Is? (Luke 2:39-52)
Mary and Joseph make the pilgrimage from Nazareth to Jerusalem for the Passover. On the way back, they accidentally leave twelve-year-old Jesus. They did not know where He was, betraying the fact that they did not know who He was. The question is–do we know who He is?
What You Saying About Jesus? (Luke 2:22-38)
Mary and Joseph take Jesus to the temple to dedicate him and are met by Simeon and Anna, two faithful believers who testify that Mary and Joseph’s infant son is the Christ, the Savior of the world.
A Big God for the Little People (Luke 2:8-21)
As we look to the announcement of Jesus’ Birth to the shepherds in the region, we see how both heaven and earth celebrate. Here we see how our great God has sent his son for the lowly and needy.