Pressing On Through Persecution

Three truths we must remember to press on through persecution: Remember Your Identity Remember Your Context in this World Remember Your Mission
Purposeful Suffering (John 15:1-11)

Key idea: We find joy in our sufferings when we embrace Christ’s loving purposes behind them. Four truths to inform and shape our theology of suffering: I. Suffering is not the whole story, but part of the greater story of redemption II. Suffering is not meaningless, but has greater purposes Applications: A. We embrace suffering by […]
Calling and Comfort (John 14:15-24)
1. Live for Christ by living with Christ – The first Helper/Advocate/Counselor is Christ – The second Helper/Advocate/Counselor is the Holy Spirit – The role of the Holy Spirit (from Dr. Bruce Ware in Father, Son, & Holy Spirit): – The Spirit Assists in Carrying out the Work of the Father – Spirit works to […]
Jesus’ Promises for Troubled Hearts (John 14:1-14)
Key Idea: When our hearts are troubled, Jesus promises his presence, his sufficiency, and his power. Jesus Promises His Presence (vv. 1-4) Jesus Promises His Sufficiency (vv. 5-11) Jesus Promises His Power (vv. 12-14)
A Christ-Centered Love (John 13:18-38)
Key Idea: to love others well, we must first look to Christ. 1. A Christ-Centered standard of love: A love that imitates Christ A Christ-centered love does not limit WHO we love : from beloved to betrayer A Christ-centered love does not limit HOW we love: from the mundane to the monumental 2. A Christ-Centered […]
In Pursuit of Unfair Relationships (John 13:1-17)
Key idea: Christian love (by its very nature) is the pursuit of what is unfair. 1. We must admit our struggle to love Two truths: Our sin makes it difficult to recognize our own sin Our sin means we will justify sin Two applications: DO see yourself in this story as a disciple who desperately […]
Understanding Unbelief (John 12:37-50)
1. Reasons for Unbelief: Trust in the sovereignty of God (vv. 37-43) Two Reasons for Unbelief 1a. Because of sin, people willfully refuse to believe. They would not believe (vv. 36, 42-43) 1b. In God’s sovereignty, people are unable to believe. They could not believe (vv. 38-40) – God’s sovereignty over belief/unbelief allows us to […]
A Life Like the Gospel (John 12:20-36)
If It Dies, It Bears Much Fruit (John 12:12-26)

Key Idea: Death comes before new life for King Jesus and His followers 1. A Different Kind of King (What do you expect?) Two demands that we can wrongfully make of Jesus A. He must serve my mission B. He must follow my schedule 2. A Different Kind of Glory (How do you expect?) A. Die […]
The Unexplainable Life (John 12:1-11)

Are there aspects of your life that are unexplainable to an unbeliever, and only really make sense if you understand faith in Christ? Key Idea: Knowing the worth of Christ leads to an unexplainable life of worship. The worship of Christ makes no sense TO the world.The world can’t make sense of our worship, so […]