Very Good: Male and Female He Created Them (Selected Scriptures)

The God Who is There (Genesis 1:1)

“A worldview is the structure of understanding that we use to make sense of our world. Our worldview is what we presuppose. It is our way of looking at life, our interpretation of the universe.” – Phil Ryken
The Tower of Pride (Genesis 10:1-11:9)

I. The Cultures of the World: Man’s Nations (10:1-32) II. The Sin of Pride: Man’s Rebellion (11:1-4) III. The Judgment of God: Man’s Humiliation (11:5-9) IV. The Wisdom of God: Man’s Restoration
The “New” World (Genesis 9)

I. Man is Still Man: We are Made in God’s Image (9:1-7) II. God is Still God: He is the Promise-Keeping God (9:8-17) III. Man is Still Sinful: We Cannot Escape Sin (9:18-27) IV. Man Still Needs a Savior: Christ, the Promised One (9:28-29) Discussion Questions 1. What was one thing you learned from this […]
The Faithfulness of God (Genesis 22:1-14)

Key idea: God’s faithfulness is what encourages us to be faithful
Searching for the Savior (Genesis 4:17-5:32)

I. Looking for the Savior in the Line of Cain (4:16-24) II. Looking for the Savior in the Line of Seth (4:25-5:32) III. Finding Christ, the Savior of the World
Sin Ruined Everything (Genesis 4:1-16)

I. Sin Ruined Our Hopes (4:1-2) II. Sin Ruined Our Relationship With God (4:3-7) III. Sin Ruined Our Relationship With Others (4:8-16) IV. Yet, There is Hope in God’s Promise
Hope in the Darkness (Genesis 3.14-24)

God Pursues Sinners (Genesis 3:8-13)

I. Man Hides from God in Shame (3:8) II. God Pursues Sinners with Mercy (3:8-13) III. Conclusion Luke 15:1-32
Sin Entered the World (Genesis 3:1-7)

Key Idea: We have a big problem—sin—but God has a perfect plan of salvation. I. The Crisis: The Serpent Tempts Eve (3:1-5) Three Lies 1. 2. 3. II. The Catastrophe: Man Rejects God (3:6-7) Sin tempts us to be ________________.