Joining in the Task of Missions (Acts 14:21-23)

Key idea: The church fulfills the Great Commission by planting and strengthening churches.
Fruit, Faith and the Gospel: Goodness (Acts 11:22-26)

Key idea: A humble heart of integrity, intent on showing kindness, displays the goodness of God.
One Life, One Aim (Acts 20:24)

The Worst Day, The Best Day

Acts 2:22-24 Key idea: The death and resurrection of Jesus allow our hard days to be hopeful days Why the worst day was the best day Why our hard days can be hopeful days
I Don’t Have Friends, I Have Family (Acts 2:42-47)
How to Say Good-Bye (Acts 20:17-38)

The Underdog Church (Acts 4)

4 Characteristics of the Underdog Church 1. The underdog church must trust in God’s sovereignty, so we can embrace persecution is part of the Christian life The believers remind themselves of God’s sovereignty. Verse 24: The Sovereign God is the God of creation Verses 25 and 26: The Sovereign God is the God of revelation […]
A Bigger Story (Acts 8:1-4)

The Book of Acts – Session 36

The Book of Acts – Session 35