Are You Full of It? (Ephesians 4:14-21)SermonsRyan NarasakiSunday SermonMoving InEphesiansBody of Christ, The Christian Life, The Church
Making Sure the Great Commission Does Not Become the Great Suggestion (Matthew 28:18-20)SermonsKim KiraSunday SermonMoving InMatthewEvangelism, The Great Commission
We Are Family (Hebrews 10:19-25)SermonsGavin KajikawaSunday SermonMoving InHebrewsBody of Christ, The Christian Life, The Church
O Worship the King (Psalm 98)SermonsDavid LeeSunday SermonMoving InPsalmsSupremacy of Christ, Worship
How Can I Change? (Part 1) (James 4:1-10)SermonsKim KiraSunday SermonJamesJamesSelf-Control, Submission, The Church
Stewards and Servants: It’s Who We Are (1 Peter 4:7-11)SermonsGavin KajikawaSunday SermonHow Shall We Serve?1 PeterServing, The Christian Life, The Church
Serving Saints (Romans 12:1-8)SermonsDavid LeeSunday SermonHow Shall We Serve?RomansServing, The Church
Treasuring Christ in Faith and WorshipSermonsKim KiraSunday SermonTreasuring ChristFaith, Stewardship, Worship
Treasuring Christ (1 Timothy 6:17-19)SermonsKim KiraSunday SermonTreasuring Christ1 TimothyGiving, Glory of God, The Gospel
The Purposes of God (Luke 19:11-27)SermonsKim KiraSunday SermonTreasuring ChristLukeGiving, Glory of God, Stewardship, The Gospel
Stewardship Project Update (Acts 16:6-10)SermonsKim KiraSunday SermonTreasuring ChristActsGiving, Glory of God, Stewardship, The Gospel
Honoring Our Parents (Even When They Don’t Deserve It) (Deuteronomy 5:16)SermonsKim KiraSunday SermonDeuteronomyHonor, Mother's Day
Taming the Tongue (James 3:7-12)SermonsEric LauSunday SermonJamesJamesGossip, Self-Control, Temptation