
Serve the church through excellent and distraction-free audio, visual, lighting, and any other technology that will support and reinforce the preaching of the Word and the worship of God.Frequency: Once a month

Help lead the church in exalting God through musical worship. Audition required.Frequency: Once a month

Help with parking and setting up the fellowship hall on Sunday mornings.Frequency: Once a month

Meet, greet, and connect those who worship with us on Sundays to the church body, including welcoming people at the door and preparing snacks.Frequency: Once a month, 45 minutes before & after service

Tend to the details of each service so that it is conducted in an orderly fashion. Includes assembling the programs, collecting offering, and preparing communion.Frequency: Once a month
Children’s Ministry

Help oversee the age-specific children’s classes during worship services.Frequency: Once a month
Bridge (Disability Ministry)

“Shadow” and assist those with special needs in our children’s ministry in the classroomsFrequency: One to two times per month