For those of you who don’t know, Lighthouse just sent off a short-term Missions Team to Japan! Since the beginning, Lighthouse has been focusing on Japan as one of its target countries (in terms of evangelism), and we have finally sent our first team. Daichi, Joy, Zach, Mark, Christina (and kids) will be partnering with Christ Bible Institute in Nagoya, spending time with the teams there, and teaching musical worship seminars. Team Member/Summer Intern Zach will be sending daily updates so keep checking back!
Day 3
In case you didn’t know, Lighthouse is taking on an intern from Japan named Hide Kawai for a year. He and his family have been our hosts for the past few days. We hope to be as good a host to them.
9:00AM – Joy went to Costco to get groceries for Saturday.
12:30PM – Hung out with Hide & Yasuyo.
5:00PM – Picked up Shoma (Hide & Yasuyo’s son).
5:30PM – Went over to the Damon’s place for dinner.
10:00PM – Had team prayer meeting at hotel.
We didn’t have much to do today in terms of ministry. Joy went to Costco with Hide, Yasuyo, and a couple people from Bethlehem Baptist to get groceries for Saturday’s missionary luncheon and outreach dinner barbecue. Daichi and I stayed behind to prep for worship seminar and blog.
The food is great out here in Nagoya. GREAT PLACE FOR MINISTRY (*hint hint*).
We got to know Hide and Yasuyo a bit more over food and just walking around Nagoya. We are excited to have them back at Lighthouse! (YOU SHOULD BE TOO!)
The Kawai family consists of Hide, Yasuyo, and little Shoma. Shoma turned 2 not too long ago. He loves drums. Every morning when he wakes up he says “スティック!” He’s really shy when you first meet him, but Yasuyo says that when he’s at home, he doesn’t stop talking!
Both Hide’s & Yasuyo’s family are not believers. Hide has a younger sister and Yasuyo has a younger brother.
Hide’s parents were both adamantly against him becoming a pastor and kicked him out of the house. But praise be to God for the blessing of grandchildren in drawing their grandparents. The birth of Shoma opened new avenues for sharing the Gospel. They live near Tokyo, and now they see each other 4-5 times a year.
Yasuyo’s mother is more open to Christianity. She calls herself an atheist, and that actually allows her to be more open to Christianity and the Gospel. Yasuyo’s father has passed away. He was able to hear the Gospel from Yasuyo many times. She doesn’t know if he accepted Christ, but she knows that God is the one who changes hearts and knows his heart. Yasuyo grew up in Nagoya. So her mother lives there too. When Yasuyo invites her, she usually comes out.
Prayer Requests:
- The jet lag is not so bad. We wake up around 4:00AM and get super tired around 9:30PM. That’s usually right around the time we’re having deep dinner conversation with someone from CBI. Pray for strength.
- Pray for Hide’s and Yasuyo’s parents’ salvation. Pray also for Shoma and for the Kawai’s faithfulness and discernment in raising their son up in the Lord.
- Pray that we would have better discernment on God’s calling in our lives–specifically in regards to missions in Japan.
- Raise God for the people here at CBI faithfully serving. They have been an encouragement to us, and we can see the work that God is using them for.