An Anatomy of Anger (James 4, Psalm 145)

Key idea: How can we recognize and repent of sinful anger in our heart

1. What treasure do I fight for? (God’s glory or an idol) – James 4:1-4; Matthew 12:34-35

Anger starts with a value statement, “This is wrong.” I either value God’s glory or an idol.

2. What posture do I take? (Judge or Helper) – James 4:11-12; 1 Corinthians 6:7

Anger makes a positional statement, “I’m against this.” I either judge or help in the face of wrong.

3. What response do I choose? (Righteous or Sinful Anger) – Psalm 145:8-9; Luke 6:35-36

Anger finally takes an action, saying, “I must respond.” I either display righteous or sinful anger in my response.