Outreach Month: Session 3 (Fall 2022)

Session 3 – Small Group Study Guide

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Discussion Questions

  1. What does evangelism currently look like in your life? What are some of the obstacles that keep you from proclaiming the gospel to others?
  2. What are some specific truths from Scripture that motivate you or encourage you towards faithfulness in evangelism? If you need some suggestions, look at:
    1. Matthew 28:18-20
    2. 2 Corinthians 5
    3. Matthew 9:35-38
    4. Acts 18:9-11
  1. Share about some of your own personal stories when it comes to the topic of evangelism. How have you seen God save people and change lives through gospel proclamation? When you think of your own testimony, how did God use someone sharing the gospel with you to bring you to saving faith?
  2. Share about a specific individual(s) that you want to share the gospel with. What are some first steps you can take in the coming weeks toward that end?

Corporate Prayer Guide

Please see the October Corporate Prayer guide (10 Oct Corporate Prayer Time.pdf)

Sharing and Prayer

  1. As you think about this season and our study in 1 Peter, what is one area in which you’d like to grow in living out your faith? Write this down and prepare to follow-up and track God’s work in our future sessions!
  2. What are some ways that you’d like to apply what you just learned to that one area you’d like to grow in living out your faith?
  3. Share other prayer requests.