Gentle and Lowly: Session 5 (Spring 2022)

Session 5 – Small Group Study Guide

Gentle and Lowly Chapters 8-9

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Study Questions

  1. The author begins this section by pointing out that, “When we talk about Christ’s intercession, we are talking about what Jesus is doing now. There has been a remarkable recovery of the glory of what Christ did back then, in his life, death, and resurrection … But what about what he is doing now?” (77). Before you read Chapters 8 and 9, what did you picture Christ doing in the present moment? How have these two chapters corrected and informed your understanding of what He is doing now?
  2. What does it mean that Jesus intercedes and advocates for us? How does that calm and reassure you right now?
  3. Ortlund writes the following: “One way to think of Christ’s intercession, then, is simply this: Jesus is praying for you right now. ‘It is a consoling thought.’ wrote theologian Louis Berkhof, ‘that Christ is praying for us, even when we are negligent in our prayer life.’ Our prayer life stinks most of the time” (84). Have you realized that, if you are in Christ, He Himself is praying for you? How does this transform or strengthen your own prayer life?
  4. Do you see in yourself an impulse for self-penance or self-advocacy? I.e., Are you often tempted to either find ways to punish yourself for your wrongdoing or to defend yourself while God is calling you to lay down and rest completely on the advocacy of Christ on your behalf? If so, how does the truth of 1 John 2:1 comfort and correct this impulse (92-94)?
  5. In what specific area of life do you currently feel discouraged, if any, and why? We are reminded that Christ’s intercession reaches every part of our lives. What does it mean to you that Christ is interceding on your behalf in this specific area of your life? Take a moment to pray to the Lord and express your gratitude and need for Him.

Sharing and Prayer

  1. Take some time to honestly confess your sins to God. Rest assured: Since Christ is your advocate, by faith you are “declared righteous in the sight of God, fully legally exonerated in the divine court, based entirely on what [Christ] has done in our place” (78).
  2. Who are the people that you have trouble praying for and why? Who can you faithfully intercede for this week?
  3. What is one thing from this study that has impacted your understanding of Jesus? How might this add a dimension to how you relate to Him?
  4. Share other prayer requests: