1 Peter Sermon Study: Session 2 (Fall 2022)

Session 2 – Small Group Study Guide

Living Hope

1 Peter 1:3-5

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Review of Sermon Notes

Types of hope:

  1. General Hope – a general desire for something to happen
    • 1 Corinthians 16:7 – I hope to spend some time with you, if the Lord permits
  2. Dying Hope – wrongfully anticipating spiritual blessings from anything in this world
    • 1 Timothy 6:17 – As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy.
  3. Living Hope – the certain anticipation of unseen grace, better than we can imagine, promised in Christ
    • 1 Pet 1:13 – set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

Key Idea: Three realities of God’s care that fuel our living hope.

  1. His great mercy establishes our hope (v. 3)
  2. His future grace directs our hope (v. 4)\
    • The ministry of hope for the Christian:
      1. Not optimism – minimizing the bad to focusing on the good or potential good.
      2. Not stoicism – enduring suffering without displaying pain and without complaint
  3. His present power protects our hope (v. 5)

Word: How this truth should be understood

  1. When we read over this text, it can be easy for us to gloss over the beginning of verse 3 and assume this is another familiar apostolic opening. But Peter is doing more than just rinsing and repeating a familiar opening. Peter is worshipping. “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!” According to the text, why does Peter worship?
  2. What is our inheritance in verse 4, and why is it significant that Peter describes our inheritance as “imperishable, undefiled, and unfading” in verse 4?
  3. According to verse 5, God not only guards our inheritance in heaven (v. 4), but he also guards us throughout this life. How does he use his power to protect us and how does that strengthen our hope?

Worship: How this truth affects your heart

  1. We all look to hope to help us get through seasons of suffering and difficulty. As you think about specific seasons of suffering or difficulty that you have gone through or are currently going through, what kind of hopes were/are you tempted to look to and why?
  2. Pastor Tim reminds us that we tend to think of hope as one of two things: (1) Optimism; and (2) Stoicism. Which one do you tend to think of as hope and how does the biblical concept of hope compare?
  3. Pastor Tim helped to define hope as “the certain anticipation of unseen grace promised in Christ.” What is uniquely Christian about this definition and what other passages speak to the certainty of our hope?

Work: How this truth works out in your life

  1. Pastor Tim shared that during times of difficulty, he often reminds himself of God’s care by looking to a photo album on his phone which display evidences of that. Since the pains of life can often keep us from meditating upon God’s care, what are reminders that you can easily access and look to which display evidences of God’s care for you?
  2. Suffering can easily draw us inward. But as believers, we want to do more than just be inwardly focused, we want to consider how we might look to others in their need. How do you encourage someone’s hope who is suffering, without falling into stoicism or optimism?
  3. Verse 5 of this passage gives us this encouragement that we are guarded by God during this life until we receive our inheritance in heaven. We can do nothing but depend on his mercy and care to do just that and rest. Take time to pray not only for God’s merciful care for you, but belief and trust that he will do just that – no matter what season of life you’re in.

Sharing and Prayer

  1. As you think about this season and our study in 1 Peter, what is one area in which you’d like to grow in living out your faith? Write this down and prepare to follow-up and track God’s work in our future sessions!
  2. What are some ways that you’d like to apply what you just learned to that one area you’d like to grow in living out your faith?
  3. Share other prayer requests.