Sunday Fuel: Sept. 8, 2024

Welcome to Sunday Fuel! This series of questions is designed to assist your personal reflection and fellowship with others about the sermon from this past Sunday.

Go to This Sunday’s Sermon (start at 18:47)

Reflect on God’s past faithfulness and its impact today.

  • Explain how the past faithfulness of God affects our present day faithfulness. 
  • If we get things reversed (believe that God’s faithfulness depends on our faithfulness), we will be discouraged or feel like our best efforts will never be enough. How can God’s faithfulness to us in the past, demonstrated by his faithfulness to keep His promise through Christ, correct this belief? How might this change your reasons for living faithfully?

Reflect on God’s present faithfulness and evaluate today.

  • Ask Him to see the resources He provides, the blind spots you miss, and how you might honor Him in all things. 
  • Take inventory: Who are the people and responsibilities He has lovingly entrusted to you in this season? What would it look to be faithful in your family (as a spouse, parent or child), friendships, ministry, finances, abilities, etc.? Are you faithfully stewarding what you have been given for Christ? 
  • Consider if you need God to reorder or balance out any areas in your life. What direction do you need to move? Ask God to show you the small steps of faithfulness you can take towards shifting that direction.
  • If you are a grandparent, how might you show faithfulness in creating a legacy for Christ with your grandkids? What are ways you can invest in them spiritually, even as you “spoil” them? How might your gifts point to the lavish grace of God? How might you use your words to encourage their hearts in the Lord? How might you invest your energies in prayer for your grandchildren?

Reflect on God’s future faithfulness to help you be faithful today

  • What trials discourage you today? 
  • What hope are you holding on to in the midst of them? Is it in Christ or something else? 
  • How does the promise that he will confirm you, blameless, bring you hope (1 Cor. 1:9)? 
  • How might that promise reframe your trial and discouragement and help you live in surrender and faith today?