Sunday Fuel: Sept. 1, 2024

Welcome to Sunday Fuel! This series of questions is designed to assist your personal reflection and fellowship with others about the sermon from this past Sunday.

Go to This Sunday’s Sermon

Key idea: The church fulfills the Great Commission by planting and strengthening churches.

  1. Church planting
    • Evangelism and discipleship
    • Leadership established
  2. Church strengthening
    • Endurance through suffering
    • Prayer and the grace of God

The Foundation of the Gospel

Rehearse the basic truths of the Gospel. How does it:

  • Reorient your focus for life? 
  • Change your character so it reflects Christ more?
  • Shape and motivate the way you live today? 
  • Provide hope to endure in today’s hardships and sufferings?

Joining In the Great Commission

How can you join the local church family at Lighthouse in the Great Commission? 

  • Are there people in your community or circles of influence? Are there needs you can help meet, pairing them with Gospel truth? 
  • Might God be calling on your heart to take the blessings you have received at this church to another area? 
  • How might you serve to strengthen the church, at home or abroad? Besides financial giving, how might you give of your time, skills, creativity or service? 
  • Do you personally know any missionaries or ministers of the Gospel? Carve out some time to ask them about their work challenges and joys and then pray for them. 
  • Commit time to specifically pray for the missionaries, church plants and ministries that our church supports. The church has a monthly prayer list you can use to pray for our missionaries and church plants.