Sunday Fuel: Oct. 20, 2024

Welcome to Sunday Fuel! This series of questions is designed to assist your personal reflection and fellowship with others about the sermon from this past Sunday.

Go to This Sunday’s Sermon (start at 20:53)

Consider your worship.

How you would answer the two fundamental questions posed in the message:

  • What will I worship? 
  • Who will save me? 

Honestly take a look at your life and consider what kinds of thoughts you dwell on, how you make the decisions you face every day, what priorities are reflected in your calendar and spending statements, the quality and nature of your relationships. How would you answer those two questions based on how you live your life? 

Repent of false worship.

  • If your conclusions reveal someone or something other than Christ (and if we are truly honest, it will), would you humble yourself and confess these to the Lord? 
  • Begin your road to repentance by reflecting on the great exchange Christ made for us. Read 2 Cor. 5:21. Not only has Christ spared us the punishment we deserve by taking our sin upon himself, He also has graced us with His perfect righteousness. Take time to ponder your freedom from the debt of sin through the cross as well as your freedom to pursue righteousness; we no longer have to sin. 
  • Instead of pursuing this false idol, what does the gospel free you to pursue in regards to your relationships, pursuits, resources, time, work, or goals? How does freedom from our idolatry allow us to worship God through these areas as He intended?

Letting the gospel impact your everyday life.

  • In light of the Valor Christian Academy’s commissioning, who are some children or youth that you have been entrusted with? Think of the names of some of the younger people in your life. 
  • What is one way you can both convey truth and faithfully sow seeds of the gospel to the children in your life? As appropriate, how you can share a testimony of your faith with them, something you learned from your own personal quiet time, or one thing about God or the gospel that humbles you or makes you stand in awe of Christ? What are ways you can structure family ways, routines, or conversations to encourage the worship of Christ? 
  • On the other hand, soberly consider how the idols God has revealed in your own heart might influence these children towards idolatry as well. In your attempts to share the truths of the gospel, how might you inadvertently also be guiding them to worship at the altar of another god? Allow God to challenge your own heart. What might need to change? Seek the Lord in prayer as well as the counsel of others for accountability and help.