Welcome to Sunday Fuel! This series of questions is designed to assist your personal reflection and fellowship with others about the sermon from this past Sunday.
Go to This Sunday’s Sermon (start at 23:12)
Throughout their testimony, Dr. Christopher Yuan and his mother, Angela, shared on a variety of topics. Choose the one(s) that are most appropriate to you to reflect on.
On Worship
- In what ways do you worship God on Sunday but worship your idols on the weekdays?
- In what ways have you allowed your desires—sexual or otherwise—to define your identity?
- Have you subscribed to the belief that “unconditional love means unconditional approval of my behavior”? What effects has that belief had on your heart regarding the sinful desires you have allowed to continue and/or justify in your life?
- Dr. Yuan points out that the opposite of homosexuality is not heterosexuality but holiness. In fact, this is true of every sin we entertain. How has Dr. Yuan’s testimony encouraged you to think differently about your sin? What might repentance from your blindness and unbelief look like for you? What is God’s “yes” even as you say “no” to this temptation?
On Prayer
- While Dr. Yuan’s testimony is very powerful, equally important is his mother’s faithful prayers. Who is someone in your life that the Lord might want you to pray for faithfully, with perseverance? What promises of Scripture can you take a hold of and pray? Write out a bold prayer to keep praying, especially when you feel hopeless. Invite a friend to pray with you and for you for this special person.
- If you have been praying for someone for a long time without seeing any results, how might God be answering your prayers differently? Take time to consider and count the many blessings He has given you, even if He hasn’t answered your prayers.
- How have you changed as you have persevered in prayer? How can the idea that God may be changing you (and not them) be an encouragement to keep praying?
On Parenting the Next Generation
- Parents, when it comes to teaching about sexuality to your children, how would you “grade” yourself?
- Grandparents, how might you steward your influence in the lives of your grandchildren?
- Consider Dr. Yuan’s resources to equip yourself for the task by reading his book, Holy Sexuality, and/or engaging with the Holy Sexuality Project youth curriculum he has developed for use at home. When can you carve out time in your schedule to invest with your children or grandchildren to work through the material together?