Welcome to Sunday Fuel! This series of questions is designed to assist your personal reflection and fellowship with others about the sermon from this past Sunday.
Go to This Sunday’s Sermon (start at 22:52)
Whether we have a little or a lot in terms of the world’s riches, all of us are susceptible to the love of money. Because we are blinded by indwelling sin, we are unable to see both His good intentions for us in this call to generosity and the true nature of our hearts. Humbly admit this to the Lord and ask Him to shine His light on your heart to give you 20/20 vision on your particular brand of materialism.
- What is something you are worried about when it comes to the idea of giving away what you have? What are you afraid that you will not have if you generously give to the Lord?
- Pastor Kim explains that when we feel worry, it reveals something about our hearts. What does it reveal about your beliefs about God and His care for you? How does your anxiety reveal what king you are living for? In what way does this worry reveal what kingdom you are living in? How has this drawn your heart away from loving and trusting God?
- Meditate on the truths of God highlighted in this passage: God’s love, sovereignty and wisdom. How can these truths shed new light on how you view your worries about giving generously?
- Living generously is a loving invitation from God to trust Him. Even if you have legitimate worries, how can the call to not worry be for your good and benefit? How might surrendering your hold on your money and possessions and committing them into His hands for His use transform them into eternal treasure? How might remembering that you are His steward and that it’s not our money help you release your grip?
- Confess to the Lord what He reveals to you. Thank Him for this call to generosity that is evidence of His love for you. Ask Him for wisdom, that your faith might grow in the coming weeks, as you consider specific ways you might give generously for the King who sacrificed all for us. Pray for joyful trust and confidence in His commitment to you as a child of the King.