Sunday Fuel: June 30, 2024

Welcome to Sunday Fuel! This series of questions is designed to assist your personal reflection and fellowship with others about the sermon from this past Sunday.

Go to This Sunday’s Sermon


Consider the definition of joy presented in today’s message: Joy is a persistent delight in God’s continual grace.

    • How would you say this describes your life now? Is your joy persistent or fleeting?
    • What is the source of your joy? If the source of your joy is not Christ, what do you think could happen if your circumstances change?

    What is something that robs you of your joy? For example: broken relationships, job loss, problems at home, work, school, finances, health, suffering, grief, injustice, your own shortcomings, fears, or anxieties. 

    Honestly complete this statement: “I will feel joy when _________________.” What circumstances would be required for you to experience joy?

    How might the Gospel provide a strong and sure foundation of His love, apart from circumstances, in your life? How might remembering this help you in the difficulties you’re experiencing now? 


    Even if we cannot change our circumstances or situation, what might it look like to trust in the Holy Spirit to

    • Abide in Christ, instead of meditating on your problems? 
    • Remember the steadfast love of God (Rom. 8:37-39) and his daily mercies (Lam. 3:21-23) for you?
    • Keep the joy of our sure and future hope before us as we run the race (Heb. 12:2)? 
    • Choose to look at our situation through eyes of faith instead of letting our circumstances define our joy?
    • Trust Him, instead of taking things into your own hands or trying to control the outcome?
    • Take steps of faith through obedience, even in the midst of suffering?


    Do you know someone who is struggling to find joy? Is there something in today’s message that you can pray for them?

    How might you come alongside them in their situation? How might you address their fears and concerns honestly, with simple truths to encourage them?