Sunday Fuel: July 14, 2024

Welcome to Sunday Fuel! This series of questions is designed to assist your personal reflection and fellowship with others about the sermon from this past Sunday.

Go to This Sunday’s Sermon

Thank you to Pastor Eric Lau, of Zoe Community Church, for sharing God’s Word with us this week.

  1. Consider how you treat your parents. In what ways is it distinctly Christian? In what ways are your attitudes and actions like the world’s? 
  2. Reflect on the idea of the parent-child relationship, with your own parents and/or as a parent with your children, as a keystone relationship in our society. If this is true, how might this impact how you relate with your parents in honor? How might it impact how you train your children? 
  3. Pastor Eric suggested five ideas for honoring your parents today: 1) don’t view your parents in terms of what they can do for you, 2) respect the opinions of your parents and sincerely listen to their advice, 3) show honor in how you treat and talk about them, 4) make time for your parents, and 5) pray for your parents.
    • Which one(s) might you act on today? How might you do this in the upcoming week?
  4. If you are a parent,
    1. what has been your goal in your parenting responsibilities? 
    2. In what ways do you disciple your children—through your words, choices, actions? Are they pointing them to the Lord’s or the world’s values? 
    3. What is one thing you can do to grow in your discipleship of your children (e.g. pray for your children’s spiritual growth, invest time in age-appropriate family devotions, talk to an older parent, read a book and put the key ideas into action, evaluate the impact of your family’s lifestyle and schedule on their spiritual lives, consider the voices your children are listening to and shepherding them in evaluating them, commit to putting them in the pathways of grace by bringing them to youth group each week, etc.).

Additional resources:

Biblically Honoring Your Parents, Part 1” by Rosalyn Auyeung

Biblically Honoring Your Parents, Part 2” by Rosalyn Auyeung