Welcome to Sunday Fuel! This series of questions is designed to assist your personal reflection and fellowship with others about the sermon from this past Sunday.
Go to This Sunday’s Sermon start at 29:26
1. What are some points of conviction from this week’s message? Consider:
- Any forms of wrong worship through meaningless rituals, prayers or vows?
- A fruitless pursuit of money even though it is fleeting and temporary?
- The time and energy you spend upgrading your lifestyle instead of living contentedly with less?
- Viewing what you have been given as yours instead of God’s?
- Giving God the leftovers instead of the firstfruits?
- Failure to thank God for the basic necessities for life because you are pursuing more?
- Entertaining discontentment in your heart as you compare what you have with others?
2. Pastor Ryan shared many practical ideas to help us grow in this area. How might your convictions move you towards contentment, generosity, and faithful stewardship? Some questions to consider:
- Are there sources of discontentment (such as social media) that you need to remove? What are some God-honoring replacements?
- How might the fact that worldly riches are temporary and fleeting reshape how you steward your resources?
- Will you pray for a renewed perspective on stewardship and contentment, asking the Lord to teach you to learn contentment in this season of your life, whether you have much or little? (Phil. 4:11, 13)
- How might you follow through on your commitment as a church member to give faithfully and sacrificially towards the ministry here at Lighthouse?
- How might you deliberately and cheerfully give the first of your income to the Lord as an act of worship and love? (2 Cor. 9:7; Prov. 3:9; 1 Cor. 16:1-2)
- Have you considered delaying, choosing to be satisfied with a less expensive purchase or foregoing it altogether so that you have more to give?