Sunday Fuel: Jan. 12, 2025

Welcome to Sunday Fuel! This series of questions is designed to assist your personal reflection and fellowship with others about the sermon from this past Sunday.

Go to This Sunday’s Sermon (start at 26:27)

1. What are some ways that you have “chased the wind,” looking to the world’s ways or even God’s good gifts to find relief from the heat, frustrations, and difficulties of life? Start with the three that are mentioned in today’s text: wisdom, worldly pleasures/happiness, and work but also consider other areas like weekends and vacations; children; academic, athletic or vocational success. 

2. How have you believed these will make your life right? How do you hope they will straighten our crooked world and restore a bit of “Eden” into your life?

3. Are you missing out on the gifts of God because you are focused on them as a means to another gain? How can you simply enjoy the blessings of your relationships, material blessings, and/or the pleasures of life without trying to extract more from them than what they were meant to give?

4. What would life look like if you saw it as a gift of God? How would things change as you appreciate them for what they are, not what you can gain through them?

5. Take some time to confess your misuse of God’s good gifts. Thank God for His abundant blessings to you. Ask Him to help you to remember their place and seek His wisdom on how to relate with, respond to, use them in the fear of the Lord.