Sunday Fuel: Feb. 9, 2025

Welcome to Sunday Fuel! This series of questions is designed to assist your personal reflection and fellowship with others about the sermon from this past Sunday.

Go to This Sunday’s Sermon start at 19:35

  1. Though Solomon mentions kings in particular, the Bible tells us to submit to all authority figures as they are placed there by God—like parents, teachers, pastors, coaches, bosses, law enforcement, as well as governmental officials. 

Who are some authority figures in your life that you struggle to submit to? Are there specific issues of disagreement that tempt you to disregard their authority? In these issues: 

  • Are you struggling simply because they infringe on your comfort? Would you confess your idolatry of that comfort to the Lord and ask for His grace to help you bear it with joy? 
  • Are they truly evil causes? Would you be open to submitting to them, out of faithfulness to God? 
  • If in these evils, submission would violate your conscience, would taking a stand be wise and profitable? Would you be able to do so in a way that is wise, loving to others, and ultimately, honoring to Christ? How can you speak and act in a way that drives others to know Christ more through you? 

2. What are some areas where your life feels helpless, unfair, hard, or confusing?

  • Take some time to bring this area to God. Confess how your efforts aren’t working or you don’t know how to move towards change. Tell Him the issues that are unfair. Share with Him about the hard situation that you are struggling with. Lay before Him the questions that confuse you or the things you don’t understand. 
  • What might trusting God look like in this area? What truths can you meditate on during these moments? What temptations do you need to watch out and prepare for? Are there people who can pray for and walk with you? 

3. Solomon’s “hot take” is that we can find joy in a messy world. Would you consider yourself a joyful person? Consider these “joy stealers” mentioned in the sermon:

  • Turning the pleasures and blessings of your hard work into gods (Jan. 12 sermon). How are you trying to find meaning and happiness from them as you worship them? Will you confess and repent, starting by giving thanks for these gifts? Ask Him to help you appreciate and enjoy these good things as reminders of his kindness and love. 
  • Trying to solve your problems with your own solutions instead of relinquishing the unknown, the things you don’t understand, into His hands. Will you humbly admit that you are not God; worship Him who loves you, has good purposes and reasons He may choose not to disclose. Would you accept this as an opportunity for you to grow in trust instead? 
  • Focusing on tomorrow so you fail to enjoy today. What joy are you looking for tomorrow that robs you of joy today? How might remembering the reality of your impending death and the joy of seeing Christ encourage you to celebrate your life and enjoy your loved ones right now?