Welcome to Sunday Fuel! This series of questions is designed to assist your personal reflection and fellowship with others about the sermon from this past Sunday.
Go to This Sunday’s Sermon start at 20:48
1. In this sermon, Pastor Kim focuses on the wisdom of embracing the lessons of death. If death is your reality, how would this inevitable truth encourage you to live faithfully in a posture of worship to God and in service to others? Think specifically:
- What would be important to you? What would matter?
- What sin would you fight with greater commitment? What temptations would you avoid? How would you be raising your kids? Spending your money?
- What would you do with your time?
- What would church be like?
- Who would you share your faith with?
2. Besides living faithfully, wisdom is about living by faith, recognizing our limits as we turn to a God who is limitless.
Think of an area in your life where you struggle to trust God.
- Will you respond in faith, accepting this as an opportunity to grow in trust?
- What are the questions and “what if’s” that come to mind? Or where do you struggle to make sense of the injustice or unexplainable in your life?
- In these areas, how have you orchestrated your life so that you don’t need to trust God? What decisions or actions have you made so that you do not need to rely on Him to get the security or answers you desire?
- How do you respond when you come to the end of your wisdom, when you cannot see any further?
Take a moment to consider your God in this moment. How can the truth that He is present, active, with purposes greater than you can possibly fathom, encourage faith in Him right now?