Sunday Fuel: Dec. 8, 2024

Welcome to Sunday Fuel! This series of questions is designed to assist your personal reflection and fellowship with others about the sermon from this past Sunday.

Go to This Sunday’s Sermon (starts at 24:44)

  1. The call of this sermon series is to come to Christ. This week, we reflected on Christ as our Wonderful Counselor and Mighty God in the midst of our challenges that come at us and the sins that we struggle with internally. Choose one of the truths from the sermon (or one of your own choosing) to meditate on and respond in prayer. Let the Lord comfort, correct, and encourage you.
  • Christ brings truth in a world of confusion. His course is both right and good. Pray that we will trust His wisdom instead of trying to fix things on our own or pursue our own plans. Confess where you have failed to acknowledge Him or where you have consulted our spiritually dead culture or our own wisdom.
  • God advises us according to His good and right plan and purposes. As our Heavenly Father, his ways may be too “wonderful” for me as His child to understand. As Creator, He has access to divine insights I do not. Consider how this can comfort and help you in those places you do not understand. Confess the questions that you have, the doubts that His way is really good, right and better. 
  • God is kind, even when life is hard or confusing. How might considering your hardship as an expression of His kindness help you to bear with your situation differently?  
  • Christ is the true God in a world of counterfeit gods. Consider the counterfeit gods you pursue in your times of stress, difficulty or confusion. How do they fall short of what Christ offers? What are they unable to offer or promise? Why is it nonsensical to worship anything other than Christ (material and immaterial things)? 
  • God has actual power and therefore is worthy of our faith and devotion. Even the things that seem to have power will fail us or their power will come to an end one day. How might this contrast help you to place your trust fully in Christ? 

2. What is something God has called us to do but you resist or protest because it doesn’t make sense? Where do you struggle to believe God is right? What questions do you want to ask Him? How might the truths about who Jesus is as our Wonderful Counselor help you to humbly accept and obey Him? What will that obedience look like?

3. Praise God for His faithfulness, even when we are prone to wander. Ask Him to help you come to Him as an act of faith and obedience, even if you have been unfaithful, trusting that He is willing to forgive and receive you.