Welcome to Sunday Fuel! This series of questions is designed to assist your personal reflection and fellowship with others about the sermon from this past Sunday.
Go to This Sunday’s Sermon (Start at 21:50)
Truth #1: I belong to God.
- Read 2 Cor. 5:21 and 8:9. What is the “exchange” that was made for us through Christ? Review the lyrics of the worship song we sang, “There is One Gospel.” Make a list of these blessings. What are some of the blessings and riches we have in God through Christ? Take time to thank God and praise Him that we belong to Him through our Savior.
- How does this change our standing and identity before God? Meditate on how this truth that we belong to Him can impact how we view our lives today, especially as we anticipate a new year.
Truth #2: I belong to others.
- One of these blessings is that we now belong to a community. Not only do we belong to God, we also belong to one another as members of the church. How can your common status of belonging to God impact how you relate to one another? Can you identify specific ways by thinking of a particular person?
- Do you know someone who claims to be an evangelical but does not go to church? Based on this message, can you explain how this is virtually impossible? Spend some time praying for this person, that the Holy Spirit may convict them of their need to reconnect with a church.
- Take some time to pray for our church and its growth in koinonia, or fellowship rooted in the Gospel. Pray for a healthy dependence on one another as brothers and sisters in Christ, that our conversations will build up our faith in Christ, and that our Sunday gatherings would be encouraging pictures of what we will one day enjoy in heaven.