Sunday Fuel: Aug. 25, 2024

Welcome to Sunday Fuel! This series of questions is designed to assist your personal reflection and fellowship with others about the sermon from this past Sunday.

Go to This Sunday’s Sermon

  1. Ponder God’s goodness in your life

God shows his goodness to us in so many ways: in creation, including through other people, through His provident care over our lives, and most of all, through our salvation.

  • List the many ways you see God’s goodness in your life, then take a moment to thank God for each of these ways that He makes his goodness evident to you.
  • If you are going through a season of hardship, when you doubt his goodness, remember that He does not promise safety, but we can rely on and count on His good heart towards us. He cannot be anything but good to us, or else He will cease being God. How might the truth of His goodness grant you courage, bring peace, encourage trust, and help you walk in faith in the midst of your difficulty? Would you thank God in faith for His goodness to you, even in the midst of your suffering? 

2. Reflect on how goodness might be demonstrated in the life of the believer.

  • What snapshot of Barnabas in Scripture most inspired or challenged you? Why? 
  • Who is a “modern-day Barnabas” in your life? How do they display goodness in the little and big things of life? How have you been a recipient of God’s goodness through them as they have encouraged and walked alongside with you? 

3. Identify ways you can grow in reflecting the goodness of God.

  • In what ways can you begin to exercise faith by living with integrity in your daily decisions? Where do you tend to be lax? Where can you stretch a bit further? 
  • Who has God placed in your life to encourage? Jot down some names of people you can reach out to this week with a note, text, or email pointing out some of the ways you see the grace of God in their lives. Are there people you can take under your wing to intentionally disciple, formally or informally? 

4. Humbly ask God to

  1. protect you from the sin of anti-goodness, a prideful heart of self-righteousness, intent on pleasing self.
  2. continue to soak in God’s goodness, that you may overflow that goodness with a humble heart of integrity, intent on showing kindness.

If you’re interested in additional study and reflection, please check out the Heartwork, Trusting in the Goodness of God.