Welcome to Sunday Fuel! This series of questions is designed to assist your personal reflection and fellowship with others about the retreat many of us attended this weekend.
You can find recordings of the six sessions with Pastor Jeremy Pierre at the following links:
- Session 1 (start at 58:40)
- Session 2 (start at 45:52)
- Session 3 (start at 22:09)
- Session 4 (start at 29:44)
- Session 5 (start at 32:30)
- Session 6 (start at 28:49)
Describe the situation you are in today.
- Are you struggling with a difficult circumstance, ongoing sorrow or unfulfilled desire?
- Are you waiting on God to guide and he seems silent? Or has he made his will clear to you but you don’t really like what He asks of you?
- Are you facing real giants that threaten to overwhelm you with fear?
- Are you watching others receive God’s blessings or pass you up?
- Are you finding it easier to compromise when it comes to sin or now facing the consequences of a past sin?
Take some time to tell the Lord what is burdening your heart at this time in your life, but also pray that He might help you to see it through the eyes of faith.
What are some of the prideful ways you have responded to these challenges apart from God?
Confess these before the Lord as our first act of humility, instead of excusing them. If you are not aware of any known sin, pray that he might prepare your heart to see and hear from Him.
Which “tools” for endurance might provide alternate pathways for you to grow in humility?
In our sessions, Pastor Jeremy unpacked several humble responses you might consider from the stories in 1 and 2 Samuel.
- Bringing your sorrows to the Lord and holding on to his promises and character instead of taking things into your own hands (Hannah)
- Keeping your heart open to his voice by spending time in His presence and listening to His Word faithfully (Samuel)
- Acting on what He clearly has called you to do, even if it is difficult or undesirable (Samuel)
- Choosing to focus on the unseen God that is greater than your fears instead of the reality you do see (young David)
- Recognizing the hand of God in the life of another and celebrating His good work in and through them (Jonathan)
- Trusting that He is writing His good story in your own life, even if it is not the way you think it should be (Jonathan)
- Repenting of sin immediately when the Spirit convicts and asking God to be merciful to you because of Christ (old David)
What might a specific response of humility look like in your situation?
In what ways can you endure by responding in faith and trust to God and/or in love towards others?