In our Spotlight sections, you’ll get better acquainted with ministries or members of our church in the hope that how God is working in their lives will encourage and strengthen you! This week you’re introduced to Francis Chow, one of our pastoral interns and one of the ministry leads for Beacon.
Megan: Hi Francis! I’m so excited to feature you on the blog! Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
Francis: My name is Francis Chow and I’m one of the pastoral interns at Lighthouse. I’m currently overseeing Beacon, Lighthouse’s ministry for college students. I’m also in my first year at The Master’s Seminary. I’m from Walnut, and I first found out about Lighthouse through an on-campus fellowship when I was a freshman at UCLA. I’ve been attending since then and it’s been a huge blessing getting to know the church family more and also seeing God grow the church both in number and in a love for the Gospel.

M: You mentioned you were a seminary student … I hear it’s a very busy season of life. What are some things you’re learning?
F: Even though there is a lot to do, seminary has seriously been an incredible blessing. It’s a privilege getting to study the Word of God under the teaching of faithful and godly men and alongside other brothers who aspire to be in ministry. I’m super thankful for the support that the leadership at Lighthouse has provided, from financial support to offering wise counsel and encouragement along the way. I still have a couple of years of seminary ahead of me, but one of the main things that I’ve been learning so far is about the need to uphold a high view of Scripture.
M: You’ve been helping to lead Beacon (Lighthouse’s college ministry) with Jesse, who will soon be moving to Texas. What are some of the most pressing issues for today’s college students?
F: One of the most pressing issues for Beacon is cultivating a love for and an understanding of the necessity of the local church. Many college students are seeking to be part of a community. We want to encourage them to be committed to church not only so that they’d find a place where they are cared for, but more importantly, because it’s God’s design in Scripture for believers to be walking alongside each other in the context of the local church. Beacon is an opportunity for them to do that. Our hope is that our fellowship would be centered, most of all, on Christ as opposed to being centered on a common stage of life, personalities, interests, schools, etc.

M: That’s awesome! I’m excited for the ways that Beacon will continue to grow as a ministry … what an exciting year ahead you have! What are some things you’re looking forward to?
F: I feel like these past couple months have the beginning of many things in my life (seminary, Beacon, etc.), so most generally, I’m just looking forward to another year of learning and growing and experiencing the faithfulness of God. I’m excited to continue doing ministry to the college students at Lighthouse, moving further along my time in seminary, and spending more time with the rest of the staff and the church. Some other things that I’m looking forward to are all-church retreat, updates from the Plano church plant, the completion of preaching through Luke in Beacon (four years and counting), Batman vs. Superman, and Kobe’s graceful retirement (fingers crossed).
M: Haha! I wish I was more excited for Batman v. Superman. Maybe we can go watch it for a staff outing! Do you have any favorite staff memories?
F: During our staff retreat, we went to an detective-themed escape room in Downtown LA for a team-building activity. They locked us in a room and we had to solve a crime, crack open a safe, and find the key in under an hour based on a bunch of hidden clues. I successfully solved probably one out of the twenty clues in the room on my own and spent the rest of the time unsuccessfully trying to help other people with other clues, but we managed to finish everything in really good time! (Yay!) It was really fun seeing how each of us would do when we were all put into this super random scenario but everyone’s personality definitely came out and we ended up working really well together.
M: Yes! That’s one of my favorite staff memories too. And trust me, you contributed waaaay more than you think. As a staff, we’re blessed to have you and as a church, we’re blessed to have you! How can we praying for you?
F: I’d appreciate prayer for continued wisdom and guidance from the Lord in this season of life and that I’d be a faithful steward with all of the opportunities that God has given me. Pray that I would do everything in the strength that God supplies and out of the overflow of the joy from my relationship with Him. Thanks!