What is the Compassion Ministry?
Compassion is the ministry at Lighthouse that helps those who are in need, primarily those within the church. For instance, if a family has just had a baby, or a member is experiencing financial hardship, or a single parent needs help with watching children, the church may step in to provide specific care. This may include meals, child care, home repairs, monetary donations, supermarket gift cards, etc.
How do people tell the Compassion Ministry that they have a need?
There are a couple of ways that people can make their needs known. The most direct way is on the Compassion Ministry page on the church’s website: http://lighthousesouthbay.org/ministries/compassion-ministry. All people have to do is fill out a form and we’ll get back to them as soon as possible.
But we also really encourage people to directly share their needs with other brothers and sisters in the church. For instance, your small group leaders would love to know your needs and would be really helpful in putting you in touch with the Compassion Ministry leaders to best assess how the church can assist you. Big or small, we want to know!
We understand that many of the needs in the church are sensitive in nature, so we take great care in protecting privacy.
Can you explain a bit about how you meet people’s needs? For instance, how are monetary donations determined? Or, how long and how often would someone be assisted with meals?
Each situation is different and requires careful thought and prayer. For instance, monetary donation amounts are determined case by case and with the help of the elders. We may bring meals to a family 3-4 times a week for 2-3 weeks.
What should people do if they want to serve in Compassion Ministry? What would be expected of them? How long is the commitment?Those who are interested in helping with Compassion Ministry can either contact me directly at
tlee@lighthousesouthbay.org, or they can sign up to help at the Compassion Ministry page on the church’s website. You can indicate the specific areas where you feel comfortable helping (meals, childcare, visitation, home repair, etc.), and you’ll be part of a list of people who may be approached to meet specific needs as they come in. For instance, if a mother has just had a child and needs help with cooking, and you indicated that you’re open to cooking, then you just might be getting an e-mail!
We ask that you be willing to commit to being part of the Compassion Ministry for a minimum of two years if you sign up to help. Of course, you can help for longer, but if you no longer wish to be part of the ministry, just let me know and I’ll remove your name from the list.
What has been the feedback from those that have been assisted through this ministry?Very, very positive. In fact, here is a note from a family that we have recently assisted:
“Our family has been so blessed through the Compassion Ministry. When we came to the church about a year and a half ago we were expecting our third child. The compassion ministry provided meals for us for over two weeks. It was amazing to have people we had never even met come and drop off food and encourage our family. Not only did this ministry provide meals, it also provided sweet members to help watch our other two kids while we took care of our newborn. This was such a blessing and answered prayer because we don’t really have family members to help us. It really ministered to us to have the church serve us so lovingly and practically even though we were so new and barely knew anyone.”
Sounds good. Any final thoughts?
Just as the Lord has said in His word, we are to help those in need and the hurting, and it has truly been a blessing to serve alongside the very faithful at Lighthouse. Being able to see God move firsthand within the lives of many through our church is an incredible, undeserved blessing.
Tracy Lee serves as a deacon at Lighthouse, and has been attending Lighthouse from the very beginning. He helps oversee the Compassion ministry, so please contact him with any questions you may have about this ministry!