As we embark on our small group series “The Gospel-Centered Life”, we will be sharing resoures to help further your study of the topics covered on Sunday. Whether books, music, or articles, we are excited to share some of our favorite resources with the church family.
From this past Sunday’s sermon, “The Story of the Gospel”, we recommended three resources:
1. The Explicit Gospel by Matt Chandler
“Even if you go to church, it doesn’t mean that you are being exposed to the gospel explicitly. Sure, most people talk about Jesus, and about being good and avoiding bad, but the gospel message simply isn’t there—at least not in its specificity and its fullness.” (Amazon summary)
2. The Whole Bible in 16 Verses by Chris Bruno (currently on sale!)
“This book highlights 16 key Bible verses that stand as “turning points” in the biblical storyline—enabling us to see God’s incredible plan to redeem his people and glorify his name from Genesis to Revelation. Whether it’s exploring the creation of humanity, the establishment of the covenants, or the coming of the Messiah, this book will help Christians see how God’s Word tells a single story about his sovereignty, glory, and grace.” (Amazon summary)
3. The Big Picture Storybook Bible
“The Big Picture Story Bible presents this remarkable true story. Simple words and striking illustrations unfold the storyline of God’s Word from Genesis to Revelation. All ages will enjoy this exciting discovery of a God who keeps his big promise.” (Amazon summary)
Happy Reading!