Recommended Resources: The Grace of Suffering

Hi Lighthouse Family!

We hope this past Sunday’s sermon on seeing suffering as a grace from the Lord was encouraging and helpful. Whatever you’re going through – we hope that it continues to grow your trust in God and His sovereign plan in your life.

We recommended two books this past Sunday:

1. Trusting God (Even When Life Hurts) by Jerry Bridges
An excerpt: Trusting God is written for the average Christian who has not necessarily experienced major catastrophe but who does frequently encounter the typical adversities and heartaches of life: the pregnancy miscarriage, the lost job, the auto accident, the rebellious son or daughter, the unfair professor in college. These events do not make the “front page” of our lives; indeed, they are often buried within a broken or confused heart … the purpose of this book is two-fold: First, [Bridges] desires to glorify God by acknowledging His sovereignty and His goodness. Second, [Bridges] desires to encouraged God’s people by demonstrating from Scripture that God is in control of their lives, that He does indeed love them, and that He works out all the circumstances of their lives for their ultimate good.”

2. Is God Really in Control? by Jerry Bridges
This book has many of the same principles and truths as Trusting God, but in a shorter, more condensed format. An excerpt: “In the years since Trusting God was published, much has changed in the complexion of our world. Yet I am convinced that the message God would have us hear today has not changed. This new book, then, summarizes [Bridges’] ongoing wrestling with this very difficult – by finally comforting – theological issue. It was born out of the results of addressing needs in [his] own life and realizing that many other believers have similar questions and doubts. It is written from the perspective of a brother and companion to all those who are tempted at times to ask, “Can I really trust God?””

We hope these books are an encouragement to you and your walk.

The Lighthouse staff