Hi Lighthouse Family!
As you know, we’re in the thick of our Small Group Series: The Gospel-Centered Life. We hope these past few weeks have been encouraging, convicting, and a blessing to your spiritual walk.
Every week, the staff puts their heads together to think of supplementals for the various topics being addressed from the pulpit. On Sunday, selections from these recommendations are available for the church family to purchase at the Welcome Desk.
We hope you’ve been able to be encouraged by these recommendations – and if you haven’t gotten a chance to look at them, we want to catch you up!
Week 1 – The Story of the Gospel
- The Explicit Gospel by Matt Chandler
- The Big Picture Storybook Bible by David Helm
- The Whole Story of the Bible in 16 Verses by Chris Bruno
Week 2 – The Great Commandment and All Of Life
- Awe by Paul David Tripp
- When People are Big and God is Small by Ed Welch
- How to Love Difficult People by William Smith
Week 3 – The Gospel-Centered Identity
- What Do You Think of Me? Why Do I Care? by Ed Welch
Week 4 – Grace Empowered Change
- How People Change by Paul David Tripp and Timothy Lane
- You Can Change by Tim Chester
- Help! I Want to Change by David Newheiser
Some of these books are still available for purchase in the church foyer (where the books for sale usually hang out!)
These books have been read by your pastors, and chosen very carefully – we really are excited to recommend them! Please let us know if you have any questions regarding resources – we’d love to talk with you about it!
Lighthouse Staff