Single and ready to…fellowship?
Over the past few years, Lighthouse has been blessed with an influx of post-grad, young adults that have found a home with our church family. For most of our young adults gone are the days of homework, weekly campus fellowships, and dorm food, and in are the days of routine 9-to-5 work, commutes, and cooking…or eating out everyday. The difficulties of this transition and day-to-day life are real. And yet, this is a blessed season of life where men and women can serve God and his church with undivided attention. The Lord has tremendously blessed young adults with gifts and talents to serve God and evangelize the lost in many different ways––whether it’s at work among co-workers, at home with our families, or with our friends and in our relationships. And by God’s grace, Lighthouse has fellowship groups that ministers specifically to young adults and singles for this end––that God would be glorified in this season of life.
Praxis is Lighthouse’s “rebooted” young adult ministry that aims to glorify God by loving Him and making disciples in the workplace and at home. Along with 2:42, the 30+ singles ministry, the fellowship group is a place where young adults can gather together for a time of worship and preaching, fellowship in a Gospel-centered community, and encouragement to live out our faith at work and in our relationships. We meet on Thursday nights at the church and once a month we’ll have events that help us grow as a community, as worshipers, or as disciples of Christ.

One of our recent events was a BBQ with the elders of Lighthouse where we ate tri-tip and heard from the elders. They shared about Lighthouse’s history, their testimonies, and gave an encouragement on how we could use our season of life for the glory of God. We also had a Q&A time where we got to get to know our elders on a more personal level––including some very wise dating advice. It was a joy to see over 60 young adults enjoy a night with our church leaders!
If you’re interested in joining Praxis, we meet every Thursday night at the church where we’re currently going through the book of Ecclesiastes.We also have an event every month! You can sign up for Praxis and follow along with our preaching series on our website.
Also, please pray for our ministry! Here are three ways you can pray for Praxis:
Pray for those who are new to Lighthouse that they would be connected to the church family.
Pray for those who are looking for work or transitioning to a new career.
Pray that the gospel would transform our lives at work and in our relationships
About the Author: Brian Chang is Lighthouse’s Pastor of Discipleship Ministries, as well as ministry lead for Praxis. He is also an occasional book reviewer, frequent coffee drinker, cyclist and gummy-bear hoarder.