If you spend any amount of time outside (which hopefully we all do, to a certain extent), I’m sure you’ve noticed that it doesn’t feel quite like fall. It’s mid-October and we’re still trying to find respite from the heat in the frozen section of Trader Joe’s (or maybe that’s just me.)
Thankfully, time goes on and the autumn season is here (whether it feels like it or not.) I personally am so excited for the start of the holiday season and can’t wait for the different events the Lighthouse church family will get to participate in!
If you haven’t noticed, there’s a table in the foyer piled high with candy. Like, tons of candy – a dentist’s nightmare and a child’s (and certain members of the pastoral staff’s) dream. This can only mean one thing – Fall Festival is coming! I am super guilty of taking a bag-full of leftover candy myself (or two or three) after the night is through … and I can’t wait to do it again this year! Ever wonder where the candy at the administrator’s desk comes from? Now you know.
Fall Festival is Lighthouse’s annual Halloween-alternative, and it’s a blast! Highlights always include the ping-pong-fish-game (is there a name for it?), the Gospel presentation skit in the sanctuary, and seeing everyone’s creativity shine through in their costumes. Please use Fall Festival as not just a Halloween-alternative for you and your family, but as a way to evangelize to those in your life. We hope that Fall Festival continues to be a light and testament to the gospel in the South Bay.
We would love to have you help us for Fall Festival! There are a number of ways you can:
- Pray for Fall Festival – pray that the Lord would watch over the event and that the Gospel would clearly proclaimed to all who come!
- Add to the glorious cornucopia of candy in the foyer – we’ll be accepting bags of individually wrapped fun-sized candy until this Sunday.
- Come help us set-up this coming Sunday – we’ll be transforming the Fellowship Hall after second service and we need your help! Join us from 2-4pm. We’ll also be passing our flyers and inviting the community.
- Volunteer for a shift at Fall Festival! Since the evening will be full of fun and fellowship, we’ll need volunteers to help run booths, greet visitors and serve food. Sign-up on our website!
We’re thankful for the ways those from the church have generously donated time, resources, and copious amounts of sugar already (also h/t for the toothpaste MM!). We’re thankful for the families and children the Lord will bring out to Fall Festival at the end of the month. And we’re so thankful to our God, who has blessed us with the gift of Christ – let us all remember that as we usher in the holiday season!
PS – we’re also thankful for Deacon James Shu who oversees this event. Thank him if you see him!
About the Author: Megan Terasaki is Lighthouse’s Church Adminstrator. She is thankful for her job and for all the ways the Lord has been faithful to her in her life. In her spare time, she enjoys hanging out with Eric Cai and her family, reading, sleeping, eating, traveling, and listening to Christmas music.