Happy New Year Lighthouse!
As we embark into the first week of 2016, I wanted to share some articles that I enjoyed reading about (you guessed it!) resolutions and changes we want to make in the new year. How often do we make grand statements (“This year, I’m going to eat better/exercise more/love people better/finally sign-up for Virgin Galactic and go to the moon!) that end up lost in the busyness of our lives by February?
Many changes are often worth making – I know this to be true of myself. Setting aside time to prayerfully reflect and carefully consider the things we want to do can be a useful and practical way to spend this first week of the new year. Let us spur one another on to love and good deeds this 2016!
Ten Check-Up Questions for the New Year
Kevin DeYoung’s list of self-reflective questions is so good. It helped me see my weaknesses and priorities, as well as where I tend to place my trust in. I especially like his encouragement at the end – “I praise God that we don’t have to pass a checklist to be righteous in Christ. I also praise God that in Christ he gives us strength to pursue growth and godliness and (slowly) make progress.”
7 Ways to Approach Your Bible in 2016
I know for myself, setting up a new Bible Reading plan has been my one constant every new year. This article encourages us to be in the Word from the Word. ““I rise before dawn and cry for help,” the psalmist proclaims. “My eyes are awake before the watches of the night, that I may meditate on your promise. . . . Oh how I love your law! It is my meditation all the day” (Ps. 119:147–48, 97). In order for “the word of Christ [to] dwell in you richly” (Col. 3:16), you must soak yourself in it like a teabag in water. Friends, there is nothing like God’s Word. Approach it humbly, desperately, studiously, obediently, joyfully, expectantly, and frequently in 2016.”
3 Reminders As You Enter into the Year 2016
Maybe for you, a new year means new anxieties or new worries. I understand … it seems that time keeps on going on even if we feel like we’re being left behind by the difficulties of life. Take heart – the Lord is with you in 2016, just as He will continue to be. “Yes, what will take place this year is not known to us, but for us believers in Christ, we know that God is causing all things to happen for his glory and for our good (Rom. 8:28-29).”
and finally…
How to Finish Over 100 books in 2016
… because what is a new year without at least one dream? Though I don’t think I’ll make it to over 100, I hope to read at least a couple books that have been left on my nightstand since 2013. Challies offers some practical and inspiring ways to get us all back into reading.
Thankful for you all, and thankful for new mercies for this new year!