In our Spotlight sections, you’ll get better acquainted with ministries or members of our church in the hope that how God is working in their lives will encourage and strengthen you! This week you’re introduced to Mat Pau, one of our summer interns!
Megan: Hi!
Mat: Hi!
Megan: Welcome to staff – and welcome to Lighthouse! We’re so glad you’re here! Is there anything you’d like the church family to know about you?
Mat: My name is Mathieu Pau and I was born in Johannesburg, South Africa, had a 2 year stint in Vancouver, BC, but then eventually made my way to Southern California. If I had to pick a hometown, I suppose Irvine, CA would be it!
I’m currently married to my out-of-my-league beautiful and godly wife, Lisa Pau since May 22nd, 2016! I graduated from The Master’s Seminary back in 2012, love pizza, Indiana Jones, sports (though I’m admittedly good at none), coffee (like every other staff member it seems), and powerlifting!

Megan: Awesome! Congratulations on your recent nuptials – so happy for you two! How long have you been coming to Lighthouse?
Mat: I’ve been coming to Lighthouse since June 7th!
Megan: And it’s already a busy summer, isn’t it? What ministries will you be involved with?
Mat: This summer I’ll be working with Beacon! I’m really looking forward to working with them because in the past I was a high school pastor, so it’ll be fun to work with a different group of student ministries! I’ve met some through various ministries in the past, so it’ll be good to actually get to know them and to share my life with them!
Megan: That’s great! I’m sure they’ll be super blessed. The staff has already really enjoyed getting to know you, too. What do yout think about the staff? (We can be a little crazy!)
Mat: The staff knows how to eat. And that already is a thumbs up in my book!
Megan: That’s is verrrrry true. Haha. Is there anything else you’d like the church family to know about you?
Mat: I love peaches and peach flavored things; but the fuzziness of peaches gives me the heebie-jeebies. Because of that, I can’t eat a peach with its skin on – especially if it’s super fuzzy. Ask Lisa, she knows all about my irrational fear.
Megan: Haha ew! I’ll bring lots of peaches into the office to help you get over it then (haha!) How else (besides your irrational fear of peaches) can we be praying for you?
Mat: Pray for me as a newly wed to balance my marriage with Lisa along with a new ministry and chapter of my life. It’s been fun so far, but with so many changes, it can be somewhat overwhelming: New stage of life, new city, new church, new ministry, new roommate, it’s crazy! But above all that, pray that I’ll continue to prioritize my devotion to Christ – and that my devotion to Him would spill out into my devotion to Lisa, my ministry, and others!