Lighthouse Family,
After an extended hiatus, we are again offering links that we hope would be an encouragement to your faith, love, worship, and ministry. Myself and the rest of staff will be trying to provide these on a weekly basis, so please join on on Tuesdays for “links of the week.”
Money and Giving
In light of our current study through money, my first link is actually a website, Eternal Perspective Ministries by Randy Alcorn. He writes on various things, but his teachings on money are very valuable.
The Treasure Principle
We went through The Treasure Principle years ago, but it is still one of my favorite on money. Read this review for some background on the book and to see how it impacted Tim Challies.
The Apostle Paul on Wealth and Riches
I thought this short article by John Piper provides some good verses to pray through as you contemplate “riches” (not always the “riches” we think about).
Feed My Starving Children
Here is the link to the video we showed in service from Feed My Starving Children. Please invite people to join us and be a part of it (especially our Saturday afternoon time slot!).
Diagnosing Possible Football Idolatry
This last article has nothing to do with money, but I thought it might be helpful in light of the fact that some of the local football teams have taken some tough losses this year.
I am looking forward to worshiping with you on Sunday. God Bless.
By His Grace and For His Glory,
Pastor Kim