Brothers and Sisters,
I light of this last Sunday’s focus on suffering, the following links are meant to encourage you as you go through trials and minister to others who are suffering.
Suffering and the Sovereignty of God
The first one is really a whole conference (that has since been turned into a book which you can buy online). I cannot recommend these messages enough (especially David Powlison’s).
I briefly mentioned Joni Eareckson Tada in the message this past Sunday. Here is a list from an appendix in her book, “When God Weeps.”
Matt Chandler and CJ Mahaney on Suffering
Another message on suffering (from Matt Chandler who had a brain tumor), and some other resources.
Gospel-Driven Counseling for Suffering
This article is long, but good, and focuses on the counseling aspect.
Silent But Very Painful Suffering
This last one is on infertility (this is part of a series) – definitely worth a read.
May God grant you much grace in your sufferings and may you see your sufferings as a grace.
God Bless.
By His Grace and For His Glory,
Pastor Kim