After being out of state for a couple of weeks, it is good to be home. This weeks links will help you focus on the Holy Week and how you can meditate well on the cross and resurrection.
Guide to the Holy Week
My wife suggested that we should teach the kids what happened each day of the week and I thought it was a good idea for our family. This first link by Justin Taylor is a really helpful scriptural look at what happened each day of the Holy Week (along with a map of events). For future reference you might consider this book.
5 Helps for Your Holy Week
This next one is a small collection of resources from Desiring God Ministries (John Piper), that offer some good truths to help meditate of the Gospel.
Reflections on the Burial of Jesus for Biblical Counseling
This next one is a short post on some counseling implications looking at the burial of Jesus.
Biblical counselors celebrate the gospel because we encounter sin every day. We are sinners saved by grace who counsel other sinners in need of grace. We should give thanks that Jesus’ tomb was filled because it changes everything for us”
The History of Redemption (Video)
Lastly, this is a really cool video showing the history of redemption using just Scripture and pictures. It is well worth your time.
Sermon – The History of Redemption from The Austin Stone on Vimeo.
I hope these are a blessing to you and your families. I look forward to worshiping with you this coming Sunday. God Bless.
By His Grace,
pastor kim