Brothers and Sisters,
In light of our study through “The Life of God in the Soul of the Church” and the Pyo’s testimonies this past Sunday , I thought I would offer a few links on how we live faithfully in the church.
6 Reasons to Be a Member of a Church
This first one is really answering the question, “why be a member of a local church?” Though some would claim that they don’t need church to live out their faith, Scripture would disagree. This article offers great (and Biblical) reasons we should be a part of the church.
Joining a local church demonstrates a certain level of commitment. It shows that you want to be more than a bystander, that you want to be involved in ministry in a more significant way. Joining a local church is like entering into a covenant relationship with other believers in order to love them as an active part of a spiritual family (1 Jn 4:7). We also need the spiritual oversight and soul care of faithful shepherds (Heb 13:17).”
Dos and Don’ts of Welcoming Newcomers to Church

37 Ways to Love One Another
This next one I have posted before, but I think it is well worth taking another look at. Paul Tautges writes on 37 ways to love one another. I encourage you to pick 1 or 2 specific ones and try to live them out in small groups and this coming Sunday.
5 Ways God’s People Minister God’s Grace
This last one has initial application to counselors, but I think all of us need to try to live these out.
I am looking forward to living out these truths with you this coming Sunday.
By His Grace and For His Glory,
pastor kim
pastor kim