Brothers and Sisters,
Last week I offered some links that focused on the suffering of infertility. I wanted to continue the theme of suffering and offer some more general articles on how our understanding of God should bring hope to our suffering and how we can live in light of that suffering.
Seven Things that Transform Suffering (Physical Suffering)
The doctors told me this would happen. But as a young mother, there were other things to worry about. I assumed the real struggle would be decades away. Back then I could easily talk about it, write about it, and even philosophize about it. But now, as it’s happening, I’m angry.”
When God’s Sovereignty Scares You (Depression, Pain, and Sickness)
Scripture doesn’t hide the fact that bad things sometimes happen to God’s people by God’s design. Job stands in blazing contradiction to the myth that if you do good, only good will result (or if you do bad, only bad will ensue).”
How a Dad Loves a Prodigal (Wayward Child)
Hope for the Despairing Heart (Depression)
In this last post, Christina Fox discusses how the gospel brings hope to someone suffering though depression.
Out of all the things I have done to manage my depression over the years, it is the gospel of what Jesus has already done for me that has given me lasting hope. Because the insidious thing about depression and despair is the way they strip away hope. The future is dark and bleak. The silence and isolation is deafening. There seems to be no end in sight. But the gospel gives hope.”
I pray God’s grace and the gospel of Christ will bring hope to your suffering. I look forward to worshiping with you on Sunday.
By His Grace and For His Glory,
pastor kim