This last Sunday we finished our series on giving (wait for the cheers). In light of that, I thought I would offer a few more links that have to do with finances and how we can steward well God’s money for his glory.
Book Recommendations on Money
This first link offers book recommendations on money. I have not read them all, but Tim Challies is a trusted source so I encourage you to check them out.
A Plan for Giving Generously
This next one, by Kevin DeYoung, offers some simple guidelines to giving. It is not “thus sayeth the Lord” but it has a lot of wisdom.
9 Marks of a Generous Giver
I think these “9 Marks of a Generous Giver” are a helpful way to evaluate your giving.
Christmas Spending
This last one is for Christmas. Believe it or not, it is less that 2 months away. This article offers some things to think about in light of Christmas.
I pray God would give all of us the joy of generosity. I look forward to worshiping with you on Sunday.
By His Grace and For His Glory,
Pastor Kim