Brothers and Sisters,
In light of this last Sunday and our focus on God’s love in our suffering with a testimony on the struggle of infertility, I wanted to have links that focus on how we should understand the pain of infertility in light of our faith.
The Grace of Suffering in the Kajikawa Family (audio)
The Bible and the Pain of Infertility
Seeing Infertility as God’s Mercy
This next one offers hope amidst infertility by a couple who has struggled through it.
We believed that when the time was right—the time we determined—God would give us children. Whether we admitted it or not, we believed that we had a right to this, and when it didn’t happen, we responded in anger and bitterness—unseen anger at others, but more pointedly, anger at God. Being parents became so important to us that we began to look there for hope and identity.”
Counseling Series on Infertility
This last is really a four part series on the Biblical Counseling Coalition website on Infertility. The first is called “Infertility: Silent, but Very Painful Suffering”
The next is about “Stewarding Your Infertility”
The third article is titled, “Ministering to Those Struggling with Infertility”
The last article is about “Creating a Culture Where Infertility Can be Discussed”