Blogs are good supplemental reading. They are usually current and keep you current on what’s going on in the world out there and the world of the church. And they are easier and faster to read than books. Books > blogs, in my opinion, but blogs are cool, too.
This week’s links are four blogs that I would recommend. If you are looking for a place to subscribe and settle down, check these out. Not all of these are for everyone, but hopefully AT LEAST one will tickle your fancy.
Kevin DeYoung’s Blog (
Kevin DeYoung is a pastor from Michigan. He’s funny, solid, and informative, not necessarily in that order. I would say that he’s a trustworthy voice, even if you may not agree with everything he says. If you’re looking for a place to read good devotional content, keep abreast of theological controversies going on in the church, and see some funny stuff, DeYoung’s blog is the place.
Justin Taylor (
Justin Taylor works for Crossway (you know, the people who publish the ESV and a lot of other Christian books). He normally links to a lot of blogs and articles that are popular/important in Christendom. Taylor’s blog is like a one stop shop for what’s going on right now.
Transpositions (
This blog is kind of weird and different. It features a stable of intelligent writers who mainly write on the intersection of faith and the arts. I don’t know if I agree with, or even understand, a lot of what’s here. But it provokes thought and gets deeper than where most of us go day to day. So that’s good.
What’s Best Next (
I really like this site. It’s a blog on productivity from a Christian perspective. All of us, I believe, could use help when it comes to workflow, time management, etc. But Matt Perman understands the overlap between self-help and stewardship. He has articles from everything like leadership to how to set up your desk for maximum efficiency.
Jesse Terasaki serves as a Ministry Associate in Lighthouse’s college ministry, Beacon. He is married to his wonderful wife, Christine, and is thankful for the many ways God has blessed him in his life. He loves being part of the Lighthouse church family and staff. He is thankful for God’s grace in his life and wants to pour himself out for Jesus Christ and follow him.
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