I agree with Jesse Terasaki that books > blogs. But I do love to skim and sometimes even read thoroughly certain (by certain I mean one too many) blogs. And while I enjoy long books, I prefer short and sweet blog posts and have been known to skip long ones.
So while we have the pleasure of hijacking Pastor Kim’s Links, I thought I would share some short, but heart-hitting blog posts I’ve been blessed by. Although very short and to the point, each of these blog posts have hit me where I needed it at the time and by God’s grace, was used by Him to stir my heart to love Him better and to examine how I was loving others.
Five Questions to Ask your Spouse Every Day
I don’t know his name, but I was introduced to this blog by Pastor Kim way back when. If you ask my husband Tim, I do not ask him these questions everyday. But I really should. I probably hit two of these five questions on any given day.
Oh and though I linked the short version, please click ahead to the explanation given by Mike Mobley.
Four Things We Can Learn from Jonathan Edwards
I’ve often been caught (saying silently to myself) no one writes the way a puritan can. Even if you are apt to not agree with me, no one can dispute the puritans’ wholehearted devotion to living for God’s glory. One such man was Jonathan Edwards. Here is a short list of things we can learn from the very late Jonathan Edwards.
1. Seek God and his glorious presence with your whole being. 2…”
Even though I said I would share short blog posts with you, I just can’t help but encourage you two read the two following, not-quite-short-posts. And if you don’t read it, I’ll never know.
Jackie Robinson and the Pattern of Jesus
It may or may not surprise you to know that I’m a baseball fan. More importantly and more defining-ly, I am a Dodgers fan. What can I say? My father taught me well. I’ve heard bits and pieces about the legend that is Jackie Robinson. And he was a legend, not just because he played good baseball (which is super awesome in it’s own right) but because he was a man of God.
3 Simple Ways to Encourage Your Pastor
And this last post can seem self-serving since I’m married to a pastor. BUT I assure you it’s not. Our five elders and three associate pastors and our three Ministry Associates and our two interns all labor faithfully and tirelessly for the gospel. Let’s encourage them as often as we can.
Did anyone else find it ironic (did I use it right?) that I wrote a long post about how awesome short blog posts are?
Jee St. John serves as Lighthouse’s church administrator, a job made much easier by the fellowship she has with the church family and the opportunity to serve alongside faithful brothers and sisters in Christ. In addition to her administrative responsibilities, Jee is actively involved in small groups and women’s ministry. Her interests include cooking, eating, reading, hiking, running, snowboarding, coffee, photography, and enjoying the dreamy southern company of her husband, Tim.