Japan VBS 2024: Prep Day (7/22)

Monday started at 8:15, which was either several hours after some of us work up or several minutes. We had breakfast together as a team and had a devotional on the armor of God to prepare our hearts for the week ahead. After lunch, we went to Daiso to get supplies for the crafts, games, snacks, and teaching. The Daiso was huge and we ended up getting trash bags full of items for this week. Daniel apparently has a magic trick planned for one of his teaching lessons so we are excited to see how well that turn out! Maybe Pastor Wayne can get some pointers to keep the kids back at Lighthouse engaged!

After Daiso, we got to get lunch with Hide, Yasuyo, and their kids at a tonkatsu restaurant nearby. The tonkatsu in Japan is noticeably better than in the states! So crispy and light. All of the meals our team has the opportunity to share with the Logos Church family continues to serve as a great encouragement for the fellowship we share across nations because of the gospel. I, also, got to sit next to Emma, who, yesterday, started calling me Godzilla. 

In the afternoon, we went to the center to set up the rooms and do all the prep for the week. Other moms, who have children signed up for the VBS, also came to help us put together crafts and decorate the rooms. This was an informal and comfortable way to continue to get to know those in the area! We had dinner at Tim and Chie Burns’ house and got to spend more time talking to the families. We ended the night picking up omiyage and personal gifts from a mega don quijote that was open 24 hours. There were so many snacks and random items to browse!

Prayer Requests:

  • VBS begins tomorrow! Please pray for the children and parents that will be in attendance. Pray that their hearts would soften towards the gospel that will be shared.

  • Prayer for all of the logistics and room organizations to go smoothly.

  • Prayer for the team and church family, that we would be active in engaging with those God has brought to the VBS
