Japan VBS 2024: God is Our Savior

Today’s lesson was really focused on delivering a direct gospel presentation to the kids. Your prayers for the hearts of the children has been much appreciated! We trust that the Lord will work according to his plans as the gospel is preached. The discussions after teaching went really well as Daniel and Duane helped guide the kids into thinking about why they need a savior. Please continue to pray that all the students will come to realize the depth of their sin and turn to Christ. It was great to also, Pastor Kim and his family, including fellow intern Caleb Kira, got to visit the VBS today!

We got to enjoy lunch again with many of the families in the upstairs area after camp. The team and visiting families have gotten more familiar with one another since the first day. We are grateful for the opportunities to keep building relationships with the locals! There was a lot of cleaning that had to be done before we left for the afternoon.

In the afternoon, we took the train back to Nagoya station to visit ANF, another local church which meets in the CBI building. We got to spend time with their older kids who don’t have a designated fellowship yet! They had some cool hobbies including breakdancing, which Mikey also does (fun fact)! We enjoyed fellowship with the pastors and the youth group over dinner, games, and crafts. They also brought some of their summer english homework to get help on. It was great to visit CBI to get a feel for what Japanese church might look like in a larger city. I was encouraged to see how active the building was outside of the youth group! There was a prayer meeting happening downstairs and other members coming in and out of the building. The visit to CBI showed me how big God is! A church that may not have explicit relationship with Lighthouse was still working together for the common goal of Christ. It was great to be able to encourage one another in the short evening we had together.

Prayer Requests:

  • Prayer for the last day of VBS! Its specifically on Saturday to allow many of the working parents to also be able to attend.

  • Prayer for rest for the team! The heat and humidity and long days are tough!

  • Prayer specifically for dads that will be attending the VBS for the first time. We have a lot of guys on the team this year, so pray that we will be bold and active in having conversations which those in attendance.

  • Pray for the ANF family! For faithful ministry and protection for their leaders