Japan VBS 2024 - God is Our Friend (7/27)

Today was the final day of the VBS! Praise God for all that he has done this past week. Listening to the kids sing loudly on the final day is something that will stick after the trip is over. Please continue to pray that the words the kids sing would become truths that they believe. Today’s teaching focused on God is Our Friend. It tied together all the other days to help encourage the kids to build a relationship with God. Serving this week in Japan was super tiring but also super rewarding. Being able to have lots of fun with the kids and listen to the gospel being shared was very encouraging. The VBS went by so fast but we got to know the kids well so its sad to say goodbye.

Tomorrow, almost all of the kids will be at church to sing two songs and listen to service. Please pray for the service tomorrow with many non-believing families in attendance! There will be a pizza party lunch afterwards for us to talk to the families as well.